
The universe was born at a singularity. After The Big Bang, the center of the universe began to cool down and turned into a crystal nucleus, the diameter of which is in light-years. The crystal nucleus has two poles, and the energy radiated by the two poles spreads to the periphery of the universe at the speed of light until the universe is completely cooled.

At the edge of the universe, dark matter came out first, and after billions of years, it spread to the entire universe within the horizon, and this matter formed an indescribable entity.

The people of Xenoria, who had turned to dust, knew the indescribable being for the first time , they called those entities "Gothos" ( "goth" is pronounced like the English word "goth", while "os" is Similar to the pronunciation of "au" in French "au revoir"), the Gothos rely on devouring planets to obtain the energy to maintain their existence, and It is also called Nihilox (derived from the Latin "nihilum", meaning nothingness , empty or non-existent).

The light of the crystal nucleus traveled billions of light-years, and finally entered the horizon of Nihilox. It knew the very existence of the crystal nucleus, and greedily wrapped it up. The crystal nucleus has disappeared, but the power contained within far exceeds Nihilox’s carrying capacity. Nihilox is broken down into three parts, one of which inherits most of the energy of Nihilox itself, and the other two parts, due to the difference in the energy of the two poles of the erosion energy, gave birth to two new Gothos - Erebos (the God of Darkness in Greek Mythology) and Fatuina ("fatum" combined with "ruin", "fatum" means "fate" in Latin; Fatuina indicates the destruction of fate or the end of fate. It implies that fate is not the savior of intelligent creatures.)

Eternal War—Three Ancient Gods of the Universe

Since the first Gothos was divided into three, the war between Nihilox, Erebos, and Fatuina has affected the entire universe.

(In Tarisland, all the contradictions, disasters and struggles are the embodiment of different opinions and contradictions among the three Gothoi.)

The very existence of Nihilox and Erebos makes Fatuina feel unsettled. The Gothoi represent the power of destruction and ominousness, and weak intelligent life cannot compete with them at all.

Fatuina has experienced the destruction of countless planets and the demise of hundreds of millions of intelligent creatures. Fatuina has become weak. If all intelligent creatures in the universe disappear, then Fatuina will also disappear. When Nihilox and Erebos targeted planet "Taris", Fatuina knew that It had to take action.

Fatuina created an Eternal Inscribed Stone, which records the method of eliminating Nihilox and Erebos, and also contains the miracle of Fatuina. Once the intelligent creatures who get the Stone and crack its puzzle, they can completely wipe out these Gothos and allow civilization to continue to develop. More importantly, those intelligent creatures will become believers in Fatuina from now on, and It will also become the leader of all intelligent creatures in the universe. The only God.

Fatuina knew that the other two Gothos would not sit still. Once the Eternal Inscribed Stone flew to the planet of Taris, the Nihilox and Erebos would inevitably unite, and It could not resist at all. So, Fatuina created a void space - Aeriah, which is an independent space outside the universe, and it can become a prison to temporarily trap the Gothos. After everything was ready, the plan of Fatuina began to be implemented, and the Eternal Inscribed Stone flew to planet of Taris carrying all Its ambitions.

As soon as the Eternal Inscribed Stone flew out, Nihilox and Erebos jointly launched an attack on Fatuina. Fatuina, who had been expecting the attack for a long time, used all Its power to seal Nihilox and Erebos in Aeriah. However, the power of the Gothos is astonishing. Nihilox tore Its own material form, allowing part of the energy to escape out of the space, and finally shattered Eternal Inscribed Stone, which also made Its consciousness penetrate into the fragments of the stone. In the universe, the entity of Nihilox no longer exists, but It still exists in the fragments of Eternal Inscribed Stone.

The huge energy generated by the shattering of the stone enabled some species on Taris to evolve, and the planet's own guardian force - the Hollow was born. They are believers in Fatuina, followers of miracles, and guardians of the Taris’ civilization.

However, the threat has not been lifted. Aeriah will disintegrate once the power of Fatuina vanishes entirely, and Erebos will eventually appear in the universe again. Nihilox has lost its entity, and when Fatuina eventually perishes, Erebos will become the only master of the universe as the Lord of Darkness. But before that, he wants to obliterate the planet of Taris to vent Its anger of being imprisoned.


"The sun shines brightly with much majesty, it makes the beggars look like insects.
Alas, the weaver of life.
With deft hands,
Thou hast set the end for all beings.
I have propelled the rock of my life over many hills and there is never a doubt in my prayers.
Alas, the weaver of life.
With Thou cruel hands,
Please feed and clothe me."

——Minstrel Song, "The Weaver"

The Hollow

A perfect combination of the forces of Fatuina with the natural spirit, the Hollow can be of any gender, race, or class.
Each Hollow will fall into a coma and lose their memories when they acquire the first Eternal Inscribed Stone fragment, which signifies that the Hollow's potential is officially awakened.
As for the future, there is no need to worry, as the Inscribed Stone will guide the Hollows on their journey of world salvation. Only those with outstanding wisdom and courage can obtain the full access to the Inscribed Stone and decipher the words of Fatuina.


"When you first looked up at the stars and searched for the meaning of life, we have established a connection. The thousands of laws of the universe are the beats of your hearts, and the overture of the universe will be played along the trajectory of civilization. Without doubt, I will lead you through the mists to the land of faith. All you need to do is to submit and be in awe. "



"The Gothoi are dying as the world moves forward in sin. The pure and true God of mercy brings fire in the endless eternal night. The True God's hand cleanses my body, The True God's voice guides me, The True God's eyes observe my pain, The True God's heart illuminates my spirit. "

——The Pure World Canon (Volume 3)


They were once abandoned at the bottom of the social ladder, and the gods paid no attention to their plight until the True God came.

At their most helpless moment, a mysterious man who called himself Mr. D appeared before them, selflessly bringing them food and clothing and teaching them the truth about the world. There should not be disparity in this world, all suffering stems from people's selfishness, hatred, and lack of understanding.

They believe that by purifying the world, differences between wealth and poverty, health and disease, nobility and lowliness can be eliminated. Therefore, they call themselves "Purifiers" and help Mr. D to fulfill his ideal of purifying the world through acts of gratitude.

To Nihilox, the Purifiers are merely nonentities under its command, and Mr. D and his delusional dream will eventually wither away.


"In the vast wilderness of the universe, everything returns to nothingness. Although existence is dazzling, it is only fleeting. Beyond the abyss, you are staring in fear. Prayer and madness are all in vain, you will soon become my heart. All things last for a moment, but only the end can be said to be eternal. "



"It walks in the heavens, and all the stars are Its eyes. Thou shalt honor Its will and sacrifice thy soul. The living shall perish, and thou shalt live alone. "

——The Book of Xenorea - Necronomicon

Monarch of Omen

Erebos will rain down natural catastrophes on every planet that will soon be destroyed, tormenting the flesh of living beings to gain the power of suffering. In addition, It will harvest the souls of kings who possess great power. At the demise of their race, these kings will be faced with the difficult choice of sacrificing their souls to gain eternal life, or joining their people in total annihilation.

So far, 12 kings from different planets have chosen to sacrifice their souls to become Erebos' puppets in delivering the will of death, and they are known as the "Twelve Monarchs of Omen". Now, they have all been sent to Tarisland, which will be their playground for spreading despair and evil until Erebos shows Himself again.

No one knows everything about the Twelve Monarchs of Omen. Even their forms remain a mystery. They could be bigger than the tallest mountain on the planet, they could be hibernating at the bottom of the ocean at 10,000 meters deep, they could already be parasitizing living creatures, like fungi...

Doomsday Apostle

After a long period of interstellar travel, the Twelve Monarchs of Omen were in a dormant stage, and when they descended upon Tarisland, they needed to acquire the necessary energy to awaken. In order to speed up this process, Erebos trained a group of followers known as the "Doomsday Apostles".

The Doomsday Apostle usually harbors a deep hatred for the existing world order. They are criminals, religious heretics, and those who have been cast out of the world for one reason or another. There are also some opportunists who, since realizing the existence of the Gothos, have joined the ranks of the Doomsday Apostle in an attempt to satisfy their selfish desires with the help of miracles.

Though the Apostles each have their own agenda, they will all do whatever it takes to facilitate the awakening of the Monarch of Omen.


"At the source of chaos, disaster breeds curses. With darkness as the destination, laws are all vanities and illusions. I am the embodiment of impermanence, change, and unspeakable oracle. There is no cause or effect within the cosmic vision, and chaos begins to forge my own rightful existence. "


[Black Tower]

The dark forsaken place in the Ancash Canyon, where Erebos originates and Omen thrives.

Every Tatarian fears the Black Tower. Very few adventurers have ever set foot in this cursed tower in an attempt to uncover its secrets, and fewer have survived. That is why little is known about the depth of the Black Tower. What is known is that, once caught in the grip of darkness, even the most resilient beings will find it difficult to resist the onslaught of death.

The appearance of the Black Tower is a mystery; it seems to have descended from an unknown world, bringing with it eerie dark powers. What no one knows is that within this towering Black Tower, the Monarch of Omen is being secretly hatched. Those forces that attempt to stop the coming of Erebos are blocked from the forbidden land by the miasma of death.

Whether you are a Tatarian or an outsider, the shadow of the Black Tower will consume every life indiscriminately, unless you are born a chaos believer.